1982Alva Myrdal and Alfonso García RoblesSweden and Switzerland
1981Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesSwitzerland
1980Adolfo Pérez EsquivelArgentina
1979Mother TeresaIndia
1978Anwar al-Sadat and Menachem BeginEgypt and Israel
1977Amnesty InternationalUnited Kingdom
1976Betty Williams and Mairead CorriganUnited Kingdom
1975Andrei SakharovUSSR
1974Seán MacBride and Eisaku SatōIreland and Japan
1973Henry Kissinger and Le Duc ThoUSA and Democratic Republic of Vietnam
1971Willy BrandtGermany
1970Norman BorlaugUSA
1969International Labour OrganizationSwitzerland
1968René CassinFrance
1965United Nations Children's FundUSA
1964Martin Luther King Jr.USA
1963International Committee of the Red Cross and League of Red Cross SocietiesSwitzerland and France
1962Linus PaulingUSA